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Original Customer Created
Message Board

This message board is for sharing information on prop replicas made by a x-company called ICONS. If you have ordered and received a product from this company please share your experiance. This message board is also for people who have ordered from ICONS and have not received their replica/s. Any constuctive ideas and information about this x-company and it`s products would be very welcome. Thanks for visiting and sharing your ideas and info!


The Original Customer Created Icons Message Board is go!
Please scroll down.


Due to the current crisis with customers not receiving their orders and losing their money on pre-payed advanced orders, I have kept the Original Customer Created Message Board operating. Icons has shut down, so this message board will keep us updated and united.
Please join the Icons Email Club (IEC) for the latest information. IEC currently has over 140 members.
Click here to join!

Note: 1/18/00 I had to start a new board. The other board hit 250 posts and I guess that is the limit. This new one is ready to go. You can post pics and use html.
Thanks, Johnnyrum

Icons Message Board Link Controller
Click here to add comments to Icons Message Board #3.
Click here to view Icons Message Board #3.
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View 250 posts on Message Board #2
View 175 messages on Message Board #1

Please visit my new Sci-Fi site!

Caution notice!
The purpose of this re-started messaged board is to share constuctive ideas and information!

Updated: 1/29/2010       
Thanks for visiting!