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Whether you live in a peaceful residential neighborhood or in a dangerous area, the need for a high quality home intrusion camera remains. The latest studies conducted by law enforcement authorities prove that burglars have a very intense activity and, in order to stop them, people can use several tricks. For example, a home intrusion spy cam, once visible, immediately discourages most thieves. In the past years, this surveillance equipment has known an evolution on the market – from an item that was rarely bought to a purchase that almost everyone considers vital. Nowadays, people are in fact looking towards specialized protection, not only for their homes, but also for their vehicles or offices. The market offers are very wide variety of merchandise, from basic units to advanced options such the vehicle protection spy camera. If you want to assure the optimal degree of security, it is very important to stay informed and know for sure which piece of equipment can be used in specific situations. 

When making your decision, you should first think of why you would want a camera in the first place. If you want to keep burglars at bay, then the best idea is to get a visible outdoor wifi camera and install it in your garden. For best performance, contact a reliable provider and make sure that the unit you buy is waterproof. To make installation simpler, go for a wireless camera. Also, because most breaking and entering cases occur at night, you should make an investment and purchase a night vision spy camera. Most people generally imagine that even with such a camera the burglar will still break in, but the fact is that most of them avoid these units, so in many cases the mere sight of them keeps them away. Usually, one camera is enough if you want to survey your house, but if you deal with a bank, office or public building, then you have to allocate more money from your budget to purchasing several items, one for each sector or room. 

The requirements change when you want to be more discrete and observe the activity on your property without being noticed. As long as you have legitimate reasons to do so, you can buy a hidden in objects spy camera and place in your home, for example. Concealed withing simple everyday objects such as vases and air humidifiers, no one can suspect it is there and you can check whether the nanny is doing her job or someone breaks in to steal what you own. Even though a wireless pinhole camera has small dimensions, that does not mean it should provide low quality images. On the contrary, it should be just as accurate as a large scale one, so make sure you contact the right provider. Last, but not least, to eliminate the hassle of wires, choose a battery powered spy camera. It is more economical, easier to install and you can even wear it on your clothes during business meetings or mystery shopping.