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If you are looking for a chiropractor in Salem, visit Dr. Owen at Healthy Back Chiropractic

1880 Lancaster Dr. NE, Suite 107 Salem, OR 97305 (503)-589-0700

While there are many causes for headaches, and different levels of severity in their overall level of discomfort and debilitation, there can be no question that every headache sufferer would like to find the so-called "magic bullet" to rid them of headache pain forever!However, drugs can be both dangerous and - in many cases - habit forming. Other forms of standard medical treatment can vary in efficacy for many headache patients. One specialized form of alternative treatments that can offer people both relief and prevention from headache pain is a series of visits to a Doctor of Chiropractic! If you are based in Oregon then chiropractics in Salem would give you the best services.

Chiropractors in Salem will treat your neck and back pain since their training focuses largely on the proper alignment and manipulation of the spine. Since the spinal cord runs directly up the back and neck, it makes sense that the treatment of headaches (located as they are at the very top of the spinal cord) will often fall directly into the therapeutic domain of a trained chiropractor.

Chiropractors in Salem study for many years to perfect their hands-on treatment of the neck, back, and extremities and to be able to treat headaches as well as other painful maladies of the musculoskeletal system.A visit to a practitioner of Chiropractic in Salem is simple, and it is often also covered by health insurance coverage. In any case, the initial examination by a chiropractor will get a proper medical history from the headache sufferer. This will help to rule out any more serious root causes of frequent headaches, and also allows the chiropractor to become more aware of and familiar with the individual patient's background and overall health.

In addition to a serious of questions and a physical examination of posture, bones, and musculature, the chiropractic staff in Salem will also complete a set of radiographs (or x-rays) in order to let the chiropractors examine the bones fully. With a careful and detailed review of this information, the chiropractors then meet the patient to talk about the findings and determine the best course of treatment in the patient's individual case.

The series of treatment modalities utilized by chiropractors in Salem,OR are non-invasive and offer relief through natural means. These may include direct, hands-on manipulations of the cervical (or neck) and thoracic (or back) regions, as well as muscle work and even spinal decompression therapy. All of these elements and more can work together to free patients of their headaches and many other health woes, in many cases doing so completely without the need for drugs and surgeries.

Another important part of chiropractic care in Salem and one that is unfortunately often completely overlooked in modern medical care is a renewed focus on preventing problems before they ever affect health, to begin with!

Think about it - if your medical professional took the extra time to help you actually to prevent headaches from ever occurring, how much would that affect the overall quality of your life? Would it make a difference in your work? Would it help free you up for some of your favorite recreational activities? Would it improve your family life?Freedom from headache pain can make a lot of things better give a doctor of Chiropractics in Salem a call today to see what he or she can do for you!

Contact Dr. Owen at Healthy Back Chiropractic 1880 Lancaster Dr. NE, Suite 107 Salem, OR 97305 (503)-589-0700 today!