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>>Name: Yoo D. Moon
>>Name: Siwoo Kim
>>Name: Kwangse lee
>>Name: Hee Lee


UMBC Biol302L: Genetics Lab

              Streptomycin is the first antibiotic, which was found in streptomyces griseus of the soil organism. When streptomycin was first used, it was a remedy for tuberculosis. It binds to rsp12 in 30s subunit, which it prevents protein synthesis and stop the bacterial growth. Streptomycin was discovered by Selman Abraham Waksman who was a professor at Rutgers University in October, 1943. Then, it was produced by George W. Merck who was a president of Merck & Co.

              E.coli is one of bacteria that exist in intestine of human or animal, and it has two kinds of bacterial ribosome, which are divided by sedimentation velocity. They are 30s and 50s. Ribosome is composed of two subunits, and it plays a role as synthesis of proteins in the process of the translation. Ribosome synthesizes mRNA in 30s subunit, then it translates nucleotide into amino acid by using tRNA. Codon is translated one at a time, and then correct sequence of amino acid is attached to polypeptide.

              Mutation is created by alteration of the base pair sequence in nucleotide of DNA. In this experiment, mutation is going to be created between E.coli and streptomycin. There are two types of mutation. One is resistance that could live without streptomycin and live along with antibiotic; the other is dependence that cannot live without streptomycin. As a result, this experiment would show the frequency and type of the mutation by using the E.coli and streptomycin. In addition, the polymerase chain reaction is used to replicate of a single strands of DNA to amplify. The process of the PCR is composed of three main steps, which are denaturing, annealing, and replication of the primer