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Choosing, for me, was never been easy. I always say that "I don't know what I want" and I almost believed myself but I woke up from reality and knew that was a lie. I know what I want, infact I have many "wants" even those I really don't need. I'm just too afraid to choose them because I'm scared of what might happen afterwards.

Yes. The past hunts me sometimes but I'm more scared of what the future holds. Call me coward but I'm not the only one. Everyone is. But as I've said, you always have a choice. You can choose to back down and let life control you or you can stand up and control life. After all, what you do right now, today, is what your future is. 

I used to be like that. The one who's always been stuck at the same options because she was too afraid to take chances and risk but now is taking one. This is your choice, not your friend's or your family's but YOURS. Make up your mind while you've still got time.