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After a drive around the national park looking a different areas, we pulled up stakes in the caravan park and set up camp on the shores of Lake Glenbawn, at a cove called "Ski Beach". As it is off season and out of school holidays, we had our pick of anywhere in the area to set up our caravan. There is water, but no power in this section, however as mentioned earlier, we have toilet, shower, solar power and a generator




The white speck on the shore in the distance is our camp site


The wildlife is unbelievable with kangaroos literally hopping through camp. On my morning walk, I came face to face with an enormous male kangaroo, who while standing tall, was looking me straight in the eye. After several seconds of staring each other down, I slowly moved back down the hill as we came to a mutal understanding to walk away. I am not quite sure if that is how he saw it, but that is my story and I am stickin' to it.



The lake is fresh water and supposedly full of fish which are best caught from a boat. We however, don't have a boat, so Allan has been throwing out a line from the lake edge, but no luck at this stage. He spoke to Pete at the kiosk about bait and any tips.  After purchasing bait, Pete asked Allan if he had a depth sounder. Allan thought to himself, depth sounder, I don’t even own a bloody boat, I just push the missus into the water and after her head has disappeared for about 30-40 seconds, I guess that would be anywhere between 6’-8’ deep.


Pete is such a knowlegable and friendly guy, PLUS he bakes fresh cookies for sale at the kiosk every morning.  They come out of the oven and are ready for sale about 11am and are all sold out by 12noon (council workers and Natioanl Park employees snavel them up), so I conspicuously loiter around the kiosk from about 11:30am to make sure I don’t miss out. 


The weather has been absolutely glorious (we are a little sunburned) so we plan to move onwards on Friday to either Lake St Clair or Lake Lidell to see how the fishing is there.



  • Kangaroos are not the cute cuddly animals portrayed in overseas tourism commercials or re-runs of 'Skippy'.
  • Never stand close to the water’s edge when your hubby needs a depth sounder.
  • Pete is now my new BFF.