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hello there  me again this page will soon hold the thoughts of the students and i dont mean my opinions on what the students think  i mean  im going to be sending my boy around the school to get your statements about your school your Teachers and any other school related  subjec good or bad,  do to the fact that my boy is in the highschool end of the school  your going to have to be in the highschool building to talk to my boy


you will notice im not using names here thats because if teachers happen to read this i dont want anyone in trouble for saying how they really feel hell i once got suspened for a month while already suspended for a week just becausei flipped off a friend of mine on the bus as it went by just fooling around  so with this in mind  i will not be posting your real names ill be giving you nick names  for your post  then you can choose if you want to tell people you said it


othere then my guy who will be making the rounds passing out this site's link you can post here on the forum section of this page  aswell and any post you make in the forum section will be sent to me as a email  and i check my email once a day


























