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My Personal Story

used to be normal.  I worked 9 to 5 at a job that sucked, had a car that sucked, a girlfriend who thought she could do better than me, and lived in a studio apartment that also sucked.  That’s the American dream, right?

I also ate the normal American diet,  the S.A.D. diet, and thought working out meant jogging/weightlifting.  Fast food, fast moving, fast talking and also DYING FAST!

At 24 years old, I went to sleep “healthy” and “normal”, and literally woke up sick and helpless.  One day I was strong and energetic, the next day…GONE!  After three visits to the ER, and NO good diagnosis from FOUR PHYSICIANS, I was told that my problem was MENTAL.  Doctors put me on Xanax, and sent me home.  My health got worse and worse.  I WAS DONE BEING “NORMAL”!

I decided I was going to heal myself.  I bought tons of books, watched hundreds of documentaries about healing, and the authors seemed like regular people, so I tried what they suggested: Herbal  supplements, diets, weird gadgets, extreme fasting…NOTHING HAPPENED.

After giving up, I made an appointment to see a Chinese Medicine (Traditional) Doctor.  He looked at my tongue and took my pulse, told me I had a liver/spleen/kidney imbalance and put me on a table.  In ten minutes, he told me to get up.  I felt ALIVE AGAIN!

That was many years ago.  Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to learning WHAT HE DID! My job is getting people BACK into life.  My car is better, and I’ve moved out of the studio!  I’ve had the honor to apprentice with amazing teachers and practiced for thousands of hours to heal myself.  What did I do?  QIGONG (sounds like “Chee Gong”).   I can’t wait to see what powerful changes it brings into your world!

Glad to know you.

NOW, Get well, Be Well and Stay Well!

Your “abnormal” friend,

Yadi Alamin aka QiGong Therapist



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