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When you Hit a Plateau

Exercise Plateaus / Diet Plateaus are your body's way of letting you know that it has adapted to the new stress you had put it under. (change in diet or exercise program). We've talked about this in a few other articles. The only reason your body will be forced to change is when you add a new stress to it. Example: If someone who has never worked out before decides that they are going to start doing 100 push-ups per day, a few things would happen:

  1. The first day would be really tough. They'd probably have to start out by doing 10 sets of 10 reps to finally hit 100 push-ups.
  2. The next day they'd be sore. When they started day 2 of 100 push-ups, it would be even harder.
  3. Day three will probably be the worst, but if they push through and keep doing push-ups every day their body will began to adapt.
  4. By the third week, they'd be able to do a LOT more push-ups then they started out doing. This is because their body adapted and changed to protect it's self from the terrible feeling of doing 100 push-ups per day.

Now, if that person kept doing 100 push-ups per day for the rest of their life, results would fade and they'd get to a plateau where the results basically stopped.

Breaking through Exercise Plateaus / Diet Plateaus

To break through Exercise Plateaus you have to introduce something new. It doesn't have to be a completely different program, but maybe different exercises, or a different rep range to break through Exercise Plateaus.

Break trough Plateau with steroids

To break through Diet Plateaus maybe you need to cycle caloric intake or do no carbs 5 hours before bed etc. If you need help with diet ideas, please reply with your specific height, weight, age, goals etc. and we can design a program for you.

If you have done enough research on anabolic steroids, you have hit a plataeu and have tried different training and diet programs than you might be ready for a steroid cycle.

If this is your first than i dont suggest anything "too" extreme, maybe a Testostrone only cycle at a good dosage or if you dont want this.. maybe add a light compound at small dosages along with it.
If you feel you are not yet ready for a steroid cycle, use sarms as suggested above, they are really good esp if you have not yet used steroids before.

But i really suggest you do as much research on steroids before you do start.
I wish you achieve whatever goals you are aiming!