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Looking for some low calorie smoothie recipes? Look no further! I love smoothiues, but I especially love low calorie ones where I can really indulge and make a lot of these delicious drinks to fill myself up or to simply enjoy as a treat because they are so friendly to my waistline! Now there are a number of ways to go about making one of these lower calorie treats but the first rule is to always use water instead of juice or milk which will cut your calories down by a huge amount. 

Another trick is to use low calorie fruits that give you the best nutritonal and tastey bang for your buck, and I fine that berries tend to be that kind of fruit. So now that we got that out of the way, let's get to that recipe!

Tasty Low Calorie Smoothie Recipe

  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 cup black raspberries
  • 1 tsp of stevia
  1. Pour your water into the blender
  2. Then add in your blackberries and black raspberries
  3. Toss in your frozen blueberries
  4. Then add in your sweetener
  5. Blend until desired consistency
  6. Smoothie Time!