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.:Seeds:. Submission Guidelines

Reading Fee:
There is a $5 reading fee for each submission for non-NEIU students. Entrants can submit up to three pieces of work per submission.  Entrants can have multiple submissions, however in an effort to provide a space for multiple artist and artistry, Seeds will only accept up to two of your best pieces for publication. Therefore artist may only want to submit once in the fall and once in the spring.

Reading fee should be sent as a cashiers check or money order (personal checks will not be accepted) to:

Northeastern Illinois University

5500 N. St. Louis Ave.

Chicago, IL 60625

Made payable to: Northeastern Illinois University, Memo: Seeds Literary Arts Journal

Reading & Submission Calendar:
Seeds will accept and consider submission for its Fall/Winter (website publication issue) – September 1st – November 1st and its Spring/Summer (Journal) January 2nd – March 2nd. There will be no readings during the summer months.

Submission of work does not guarantee publication. Work submitted typically takes two to four weeks for review by our editors. All artists will be notified via email if their work has been accepted. Our yearly publication is different from our online journal publication but all the same guidelines for submission still apply.

Title Page:
Do not include your name anywhere on the items to be considered. This assists us with a non-biased judging system. You should submit one title pages for your work; one that list’s you as the author, contact information (email and phone number), a brief – third person bio of yourself, and the list of works (in chronological order) that you are submitting. The submission application should be attached, and filled out in its entirety. Seeds editors will provide each entrant with a number. Please keep this number for your records.  See additional Guidelines under each are section below.

Poetry Submissions:
•    Submit 3 previously unpublished poems. Limit your line length to 42 lines. Poems that have been previously published online (blogs included) or in print will not be considered. Please do not send them.
•    Feel free to include a short commentary about each poem that could possibly be published along with your poem.
•    Simultaneous submissions are fine, though we ask that you let us know if a poem has been accepted elsewhere.
•    Poems can be submitted in any language, if you provide the English translation for the piece as well.
•    Seeds also accepts hip hop and other lyrical verses for consideration in our poetry section.  Please keep cursing to a minimum (if it’s not absolutely necessary and another word could be used, don’t put it in).
•    Send your poems to and have your subject line read “poetry submission.” Please send each poem as an individual MS Word (.doc) attachment, with your contact information on the title page ONLY. Please do not include your name on each page of the poem. You may include the title, but you will be provided a number for bias-free reading of your work.

Fiction/Nonfiction (short story, essays, narrative/prose, flash fiction):
•    Individuals who submit manuscripts should prepare with the usage of the MLA Style Manual.
•    Fiction excerpts and short stories should 3500 words in length; non-fiction at a maximum of 4000 words.
•    Flash fiction should be within the range of 100-200 words.
•    Individuals can submit up to three (3) pieces
•    Work can be in submitted in any language, if you provide the English translation for the piece as well.
•    Be sure of your word count! Entries exceeding the word limit will be disqualified. Type the exact word count (counting every single word, except the title) at the top of the manuscript.
•    Send Fiction/Nonfiction (short story, essays, narrative/prose, flash fiction) to and for example have your subject line read “Fiction/Nonfiction Submission.” Please send each piece as an individual MS Word (.doc) attachment, with your contact information on the title page ONLY. Please do not include your name on each page. You may include the title, but you will be provided a number for bias-free reading of your work.

Visual Artwork:
•    All artwork submitted must be original, unpublished and produced within the last ten years.
•    Only three (3) submissions per publication.
•    Slide specifications: Seeds accepts all mediums of art, but all pieces must be photographed well.

1.    72dpi, 400x800 pixels minimum and the file size must NOT exceed 600kb (300dpi high resolution preferred. You may save the slides in medium or low-quality JPG setting for 300dpi, to not exceed the maximum file size).
2.    Slides should be individual picture files only, in .JPG format. Do not include any titles or other additional text.

Editors will assess a body of work, therefore artists should submit slides of 3 different pieces which capture the breadth of an artist’s work. Entries which include sculpture or 3-dimensional art can submit a maximum of 6 slides, allowing up to 2 views of each of 2 3-D pieces.


Thank you for your submission!