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Currently: Means nothing more than my 'favorite' right now. I go through phases. Like how you thought it was cool to wear Tripp pants in middle school.

Right now, I'm going through a huge My Chemical Romance obsession, as if I were 13 ( and wearing Tripp pants in middle school. Where's my eyeliner?). I can't explain it, but other than that I'm falling head over heals for current hardcore/ post hardcore.

Bands of Interest:

  • Balance and Composure
  • La Dispute
  • Make Do and Mend
  • Leathermouth
  • I Am the Avalanche
  • Polar Bear Club
  • Touchè Amorè

I guess it started when I saw Polar Bear Club with Bayside sometime last year. Fun Fact: I was exposed to Balance and Composure when I also saw them with Bayside at a later date. I was love at first sight. It was crazy. If you can, go see 'em live. Bayside and Balance and Composure because they are both fantastic.

Also, my penis is getting hard for some other stuff like.

Good Stuff:

  • Smoking Popes
  • Silversun Pickups (Particularly Pikul EP)
  • Tame Impala
  • Pulp
  • Best Cost