<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Get Traffic To Your Site
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Great sources of advertising!



Do you have your own world-wide-web yet? 

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet? 

Getting Traffic To Your Site

Now that you have joined Reality Networkers, you have been given a referral link, and many "Teaser" links. These are what you need to market, and the only way to do that is to get them seen. Getting them seen isn't very hard to do, but it needs to be done in a way that "captures" the audience.

First, a bit about the links...

When you join any MLM or matrix style online business opportunity, this is what they give you. You get a few referral links and they ususally point to some kind of "capture" pages. On this page there is a form to fill out with your email address, and possibly your first and last name. they sometimes will also ask for a phone number. This form is called an "opt in" form. What this does is collects your information and sends it to an autoresponder email program. This autoresponder then sends out a series of email messages to you in order to keep you from losing interest.

The reason they do it this way is because there's no way you can complain that you are getting spam emails sent from them. You "opted in" before you ever got any email. At the bottom of each email sent, there is a link that will let you opt out so you don't get any more emails from them. The companies are legally required to provide you with a way to get off the mailing list.

With all that said, what you want to do is build your own list. You will not have to worry about the legalities of all that stuff, or at least for a good long while so don't worry.

Your next objective is to get your links seen, and there are quite a few ways to make that happen. We will discuss those ways here, and then on the next page, we will get to where the action starts.


This is the single most effective way to advertise your site for free that I have found. The concept of the safelist is simple. The owner of the list allows you to join for free. In return for you joining you receive emails from the members, which means, you are now part of the list. You can open the emails and look for a link that says "earn credits". Click that link, and the site being advertised opens in a new window or tab depending on your browser and how you have it set up. Once the page stays open for a short time (usually 15 - 30 seconds) you get credits added to your account and you can close the page.

You can log into your account and use those credits to send an email to the other members of the list. Some of these lists have many, many members, so this will get your links seen by thousands of people every day.

The key to safelist advertising is making your emails sound like something that people want to open. This is the tricky part, but if you have a good imagination, and are good with words, you'll do just fine. If you don't feel like you can come up with any good email ads on your own, you can always read through some of the more "eye catching" emails that you get from the other members. Take some time and find the ones that really make you want to click on them. Look and see what words they used and how they made it interesting. Then just copy the style, but make sure what you write is relevant to your business.

In the case of Reality Networkers, they have something like 54 prewritten headlines and ads that you can use. There are also people that will tell you which ads work well for them, and where to place them. That is one of the ways that they help you build your team. Giving advertising tips is a great way to keep your downline (people you refer) from leaving.

For a list of very good and responsive safelists,


Traffic Exchanges

Traffic exchanges are like a place to trade hits. For most of them you have a 2:1 hit ratio. This means that for every 2 sites you view, your site will get seen 1 time by another member. It's a pretty simple concept. You sign up with the traffic exchanges and add your site(s) and then you surf. There will be a timer that runs (anywhere from 10 - 30 seconds), and when the time is up you will need to click on a picture or a number to move on to the next page.

There is one way that I know of that will make your traffic exchange activities pay off. You can open 5 - 10 traffic exchanges in different tabs on your browser all at once. Then you can click on one, move to the next and click, move to the next, and so on. By the time you get to the last one, the timer is most likely finished on the first, so you go back to it and click, and start the process all over again. This will help you accumulate points very quickly on more than one exchange, and that means more people will see your site.