story 1

this isnt goin to apply to anything you do in life. so why read my Stori?

my story is one of a oldman  who decided to go into a  creepy house one time

man was he scared he was so scared he PISSED IN HIS PANTS..

THE PISS RAN DOWN HIS LEG an mad a puddlee on thee sidwalk.

he piss so much he had to go home.

his wife slapped him silly and told him to go tak a bath. 

after takin a bath, he wentto bed, and pissed the bed that night/

and his wife slapped him silly again. 

he flip[ped the mattress over then agin he PISSED on the new side of the mattress.

guess what his wife did?

thats right, she slapped him silly.

at the grocery store the next day he PISSED HIMSELF 

THe mamager of the grocery store came up and slapped him silly and then took away all of his coupons