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K9 Heroes     

A Special Note about My Friend and Master Trainer Andre Apportella :

Way back in 1994, I was looking to purchase a German shepherd and came across Andre's

Kennel in Frenchtown,NJ. I purchased my first European (real) German Shepherd and took him home.

He was everything I expected and a heckuva' lot more,lol ! I returned to Andre,who then explained to me what

I needed to do,to get the most enjoyment and more importantly,the most control from my new friend.Upon a evaluation by Dave (R.I.P) Andre's training manager,I immediately saw what I knew the German shepherd  to be but never felt it first hand. Symba, definitely had the heart of a lion ! Whew !! We signed up for basic obedience and protection and later found out about the ''European Academy for dog trainers.''  Andre is a K9 educator

and a true professional when it comes to dogs.I've been around a truly honorable and dedicated Grand Master(Al Smith) for most of my life,so I know a dedicated professional when I see one and  in the K9 world,Andre

Apportella is top notch.