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Through the lush wet jungle paper tiger stalks his prey

Senses at their highest...will he succeed today?

Hunger growls inside him as he picks up the scent

He knows if he can find it...then his time has been well spent                 

The trail he follows leads him to a clearing in the trees

He stops before he enters... scanning everything he sees

The birds have all stopped singing... quiet falls upon the land

It appears the jungle knows... the struggles close at hand

Moving forward slowly... continuing the stalk

He knows his prey is very near... he speeds up his walk

In the center of the clearing stands  a pyramid of old

It's ancient walls are's blocks are made of gold

The scent that he has followed... has led him to this spot

Just inside his quarry waits the treasure he has sought

He knows his quarry's in there... so go inside he must

He steps across the threshold  raising a little cloud of dust

Once inside the pyramid... surprise upon his face

The hind he thought he followed... Jade Leopard in it's place

Hunter or the hunted?...He isn't quite so sure

Did he really track her here... or fall prey to her lure?

Deep inside the pyramid they circle warily

Are they both just nervous? ...Fear or clarity?

Eyes fixed upon each other...both looking for a chance

It's been this way since time began  natures fateful dance

He locks his gaze upon her... her coat translucent shimmer green                

Paper Tiger thinks Jade Leopard...the most beautiful he's seen

He doesn't want to hurt her...doesn't wish to see her fall

He decides that for today... not so hungry after all

Paper Tiger turns away and walks out in the light

He hopes she gets the feeling that he doesn't wish to fight

Standing in the clearing... daylight fading fast

Tomorrow is another day and this one is the past

Wonder overcomes him... amazement he can't hide

Jade Leopard leaves the pyramid to stand right by his side

Looking at each other, into each other's eyes

There are no words required... only silent compromise

They will stalk together... lonely hunters nevermore

A hunt becomes a legend and the legend becomes a  lore

So when you hear the story of how one was made from two

In these words I hope you find, the hunter seeking you

                      "Paper Tiger" 2008