This is Missy - my inspiration for this business name!


 Zeva & Missy

Zeva is my Toy Australian Shepherd. Missy is a Chi-Weenie.

Diesel - my flock guardian.

I've had Diesel since the second he was born. 

 One of my baby Quail - at 3 weeks old

 This is one of my pair - she's the hen that used to lay double yolkers

 I do sell the eggs - for both eating & incubating

 These guys were about 5 days old

 Look at the olive coloring on that one egg!

 Here is one of Shawnie's double yolkers  

 Look how much bigger it is than the normal egg!

These are the only 3 chicken chicks that I plan to get this year (2020).

I traded them for incubating some chicken & quail eggs for a friend - 

Gemini's Naturals Chickens

They are Bantam/Cochin mix


Blondie - my first rooster.

Unfortunately, Blondie passed away.

Some of my chickens from 2019

Some of the chicken chicks that I hatched out