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RaW Materialsrm

Raw materials that are used in vinegar manufacturing should have the ability to yield alcohol on fermentation.

Raw materials essential for Vinegar making

Vinegar is manufactured through the oxidation of ethanol in a variety of diluted alcohol products like:


wineWine is normally made up from grapes that undergo fermentation together with the grape skins. After goingthrough fermentation, yeasts convert most sugars in the grape juice into ethanol.




It is produced through the fermentation of sugars derived from starch-based material. However, it produces alcohol through the anaerobic  respiration of the sugars.


Rice undergoes fermentation of rice starch which it contains in it and converts the starch into sugars. Rice wine uses amylolytic process, which is similar to malting and brewing. The only difference is that the conversion fromrice starch to fermentable sugars and the timing of fermentation usually takes place at the same time. Vinegar is usually produced by fermented rice or rice wine.


It is the sweet juice of apples that is used to produce beverage or used as a raw material for vinegar making. And it is normally the hard cider that is used in vinegar making as hard cider contains alcohol.

All these alcohol produced is a transformation of wine to vinegar, which let ethyl alcohol undergo partial oxidation that results in acetaldehyde. Where, this acetaldehyde is then converted into acetic acid for the production of vinegar.


Another essential raw material for vinegar production would be Acetobacters, microscopic bacteria that mixdepends on oxygen bubble to survive. This is essential because it differentiates the fermentation between vinegar and and alcohol. In the process of making alcohol, both grapes and hops ferment in the absence of oxygen, whereas, the fermenting of vinegar requires oxygen, thus relying on the presence of these bacteria to provide oxygen. These acetobacters are usually left over time, and this process is induced by feeding the acetozym nutrients into the tanks of alcohol.mother\


Mother of vinegar
Mother of vinegar is important raw material for fast process in making vinegar. It is the gooey film that appears on the surface of the alcohol product as it is converted into vinegar. It is an accumulation of nontoxic acetic acid bacteria and soluble cellulose. This film holds high concentration of acetobacters. It is skimmed off the top and added to subsequent batches of alcohol to speed the formation of vinegar. Acetozym nutrients are man-made mother of vinegar in a powdered form.

Mother of vinegar is added into the source liquid, which then air is being added using a venture pump system or a turbine to promote the oxygenisation to allow fastest fermentation. For this fast fermentation, vinegar normally takes a period range of 20hours to be produced.flavouring



Raw materials for flavouring
Materials used for flavoring includes fruits as well as fruit juices like:

Vats of cider (fermented fruit juice) left in room temperature for months, allowing the fruit juices to ferment into alcohol and then oxidized into acetic acid.

fruitHowever, different kinds of vinegar uses different kind of fruits or raw material to give their distinguish taste or flavoring.
