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HeLLo everyone. This be YO bE EbOny A.Ka BAby doLL. ThIs is My Wonderful Website. This Website will display FashIon ..n only Fashion.


Me, Myself, and I

♥|[Say it]|♥ Barbie
♥|[Came 2 da earth]|♥ Jan . 18, 1867
♥|[Sees through]|♥ brown eyes
♥|[Stands At]|♥ 5"3
♥|[Brushes down]|♥ Brown Hair
♥|[Status]|♥ In a relationship
♥|[Home]|♥ Barbie World
♥|[Love]|♥ My Family
♥|[Don"t]|♥ Care what nobody thank
♥|[Do]|♥ What i want
♥|[I miss]♥ My partnas
♥|[I"d die without]♥ My Family
♥|[Scared Of]♥ All animals
♥|[Hatin’]|♥ Nohting
♥|[Lovin’]|♥ Myself
♥|[Treat me]♥ With Respect
♥|[laugh]♥At anything
♥|[Always]♥ Shoppin