Hello! This site is dedicated to erotic fiction. If you do not know what erotic fiction is, then please let me provide you with the definition of each:

Erotica- noun (used with a singular or plural verb) Literature or art dealing with sexual love.

Fiction- noun 1. The class of literature compromsing works of imaginitive narration, especially in prose form. 2. Works of this class, as novels or short stories. 3. Something feigned, invented, imagined; a made-up story. 4. The act of feigning, inventing, or imagining

Now that you know what Erotica Fiction is here is something else you should know. This site is intended for adults only (18+ years of age). The stories will contain adult stories, sexual situations, sexual content, explict language, and adult themes in just about every genre. The stories will have a rating, as not all erotica will be of a sexual nature, but can also be of a sensual nature. If you do not want to read, or care for stories of this nature please feel free to leave, no one will be offend, hurt, or care. As not all stories of this nature are for everyone. With that being said I am one of the writers that will be submitting stories to this site. If you are a writer and would like to see your stories featured here, please look to the side bar on the right side of your screen for information on how to submit your work. Thank you and enjoy!

Sensually Yours,

P.S. If you host an Erotic Fiction site and would like to have your's linked, just let me know. I will gladly do so, that way your site can see some action to. Please, if I link you link me back! Thanx!