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I was born on the first day of spring, and according to my parents, one of the first things the doctor said was: “Well, there’s no denyin’ that child.” (Remember, this was in the South.) This was due to the fact that I had –and still do- a striking resemblance to my father. Consequently, this means that when I go to family events with my dad, everyone can tell I’m part of the family, even if I don’t get to go to one very often.
Like my great-granddad’s last birthday party. There was at least 100+ people there, and most of them look alike. It was a happy party, and one of the bigger events to happen in recent times, so people were happy to see each other. I got to see my Aunt Sherry, who lives an exhausting twelve hours away, in sunny Myrtle Beach. (Most of my dad’s family, for comparison, lives five hours away, in Virginia Beach. We all like beaches…There are no good beaches here.)
Thinking about my family always gets me thinking about one of my top ten favorit topics: Food. Or, more specificly, Food From The South. I love food. I like to eat and I like to cook for people. (But not for myself. I’m to lazy to cook for myself) I really love going place like my Granny’s or Great-grandmother’s. They know their familys, and they know how to make good food. Gravy… roast…*insert meat of choice here*…mashed potatoes… pie…cookies…more pie… I like pie…
Great-grandmother is one my mom’s side; most of them live on the Tennessee/Virginia border.
One of the first things either side always wants to know is ‘How’s school?’ (this is usually followed closely by questions along the lines of ‘Do you got a boyfriend yet?’ and is what Kayla saying about one of my guy friends and I true) My standard response is to say schools fine and talk about my music classes. (And ignore the boyfriend comments.)
School usually sucked. The fist four schools I went to were full of mean and spiteful little brats. When I got to middle school though, things finally got better. I made some great friends, (Who regard actually answering their cell phones as anathema. Most of my friends are on the wealthier side of middle class, and have unlimited text messaging.) the teachers were great, and I finally got to do all the music-y things I’d wanted to do. Band and chorus everyday!