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Persusaive Writng


My completed persusaive work is in the same place as my cinderella story.

In the high middle ages, late 12th century, the Christian church started to prosecute something that they had ignored or tolerated up to that point: Homosexuality. They started to preach that it was “unnatural”, a sentiment continued to this day, though it has become less wide spread. For a while, psychologists thought it was a mental disorder- rather than a sin or a crime- and there are still a great amount of people who protest against laws that are to the benefit of homosexuals. They use arguments like that it’s a filthy act, or re-use the same unnatural argument. Sometimes children are dragged into it, and whaeter not homosexuals should be allowed to adopt, or even have a child that is biologicly theirs living with them

In 1973, Homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Until then, having a pathological family relationship when people where about 4-5 was thought to be a cause,