5 Reasons


Why Washington’s Legal


Marijuana Laws Are


A Practical Approach For


Other States To Follow


When it was announced that Washington would become one of the nation’s first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the state became an important testing ground for how well the law would work. The time has come to take a closer look. The following are five reasons why Washington’s legal marijuana laws are a practical approach for other states to follow.


1. Additional State Spending Money

The only problem with legalized recreational marijuana in Washington has been the store’s inability to meet the feverish demand. With stores all over the state selling out their wares, this has led to additional millions in revenues. At a time when every organization seems to be strapped for cash, every little of extra income is certainly helpful. More states would do well to take this advice to heart.


2. Crime Deterrent

While recreational marijuana legalization has not led to a severe slide in the crime statistics, there has been enough of a dip to silence the conservative crowd, who wrongfully believed that legal recreational marijuana would lead to an age of nude rioting in the streets. With the police now freed up to pursue more pressing duties, citizens of Washington state can rest easy knowing that the boys in blue are going after the true criminals.


3. Improved Infrastructure

If a state has a pocket full of extra money, it only stands to reason that they would try to spend it in the most careful way possible, correct? Washington’s influx of income has led to a serious discussion about what to do with the additional funds. Whether the state decides to use the cash to improve their school system, the roads, or simply the overall infrastructure, these are all options that were not available before.


4. No More Full Jails

Gone are the days when the cops would waste a swift writing out possession tickets or the local news would trumpet a local drug bust that only seemed to yield a comparatively small amount of marijuana. Now that law enforcement is no longer chasing after petty marijuana usage, this will lead to an unprecedented unclogging of the prison pipeline. No more serious jail time for the unfortunate soul caught out there selling tiny dime bags on the corner will help to preserve the state’s precious resources.


5. Less Hassle For The User

In an era where even the President comes out and says that he sees marijuana usage as being no worse than taking a drink, it behooves states to stop treating their marijuana friendly citizens as if they’ve committed the mother of all crimes. A user can now pursue their habit in a safe manner, without having to meet up with street dealers or deal with the inevitable run ins with the law.


If you want Vancouver Marijuana, then you should look into what is called a Vancouver Medical Marijuana Card. A Vancouver Marijuana Card is designed to make it easier for you to get legal cannabis within the Vancouver, WA area. It’s for patients with qualifying conditions only.