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EARLY INTERVENTION : The key to resolving disputes

Hold a glass full of water up in front of you at shoulder height. This is easy. Now keep holding it. Hold it up there for an hour. How does your arm feel? It is likely to be hurting quite a bit. Imagine holding that same glass there for a day, or a month, six months, a year. This would be impossible to bear. The weight of the glass of water has not changed, but your ability to hold it diminishes with time. It’s the same with conflict. You can cope with it for a short time, but leave it unresolved for much longer, and it feels excruciating.

Unfortunately human beings are programmed to avoid pain, we resist confronting difficult situations, until we realise that it is too late to resolve the conflict. You may have heard people say “there is too much water under the bridge.” Tragically this is one of the main reasons relationships break down irreparably.

We believe that people wait at least 3 years too long to ask for help. They may well have been able to resolve their issues if addressed appropriately and early.

For more information contact:
Naomi Holtring MDR Managing Partner
interMEDIATE Dispute Management Pty Ltd
Phone : 1300 367 330

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