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School Testimonies


By the time our son Michael was in sixth grade, he was reading at a low third grade level, couldn't spell and only knew how to do addition and a little multiplication.

Since Michael's third grade, we had tried to get him extra help or [else he would have to] be held back. We were told his grades weren't low enough for special help and that children weren't being held back any longer because it hurts their self-esteem. I would think that graduating without enough skills to get a job would destroy their self-esteem.

We didn't know what to do for Michael. Then my sister, Tricia Hale, said she was going to home-school one of her grandkids and she would love to teach Michael. After one year of being home schooled by Tricia, he was reading up to grade level and was excelling in math. Michael went back to public school in the eighth grade. Now, he understood Geometry and Algebra. In his senior year, he received a high score on his Spring Board Project, which was necessary to graduate. Michael's project was on Avionics in the Navy. He had joined the Navy in his senior year and became active two months after he graduated. Michael had to go to school for six months to study Avionics. He just recently passed the test to become a Petty Officer, Third Class, and scored in the top 11% out of 800 sailors who had also took the test.

I know without a doubt that Michael is a success story because Tricia home schooled him. She has a God-given talent for teaching and loves doing what God has put before her. Thank you.

Diane Meyer