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By Sangeetha Saran

When most of us think of yoga training we think of relaxation and meditation. We do not associate it with the aerobic exercise we’ve been taught is required for weight loss. However there are several types of yoga that are great for shedding pounds and keeping them off permanently.

Hatha yoga instructor certification courses cover exercises for weight control. However, not all types of yoga are conducive to weight loss, but the consistent practice of any of following will gradually reshape both your body and your mind:

Vinyasa or ‘flow yoga’ is made up of a series of sun salutations. If you move through the positions quickly it will increase your heart rate enough for caloric burn and therefore weight loss.


Bikram or ‘hot yoga’ is performed in a heated studio. Heating the room allows for temporary water weight loss and the release of body toxins; this requires vigorous exercise and you should consult a physician before starting asana practice.


Kundalini incorporates breathing techniques to accompany each posture. Since respiration is responsible for the conversion of fuel into energy, it greatly affects our metabolic processes. Power yoga is an Americanized combination of a cardiovascular workout and yoga poses. It works by pushing you through the poses faster with fewer and shorter resting periods.

Poses that Aid Digestion


Eagle pose aids digestion and energizes the whole body while strengthening leg muscles. Twisted Chair uses every muscle in your body which will increase circulation. Additionally the twisting awakens internal organs and also helps digestion. Another essential pose for digestion is the Easy Spinal Twist, which stimulates your entire digestive system.

Poses that Benefit Metabolism


Bow is a back bend pose that helps regulate metabolism. It also boosts energy, stretches your front and builds up your back muscles.



Crescent Lunge pose will pump up your heart rate supporting increased metabolism while building your legs and stretching your hips. The Bridge pose opens your chest and shoulder area, while the chest is pushed upwards towards the chin; your thyroid gland (which helps regulate your metabolism) gets a gentle massage. Two inverted asanas credited with the ability to balance your entire metabolic system, are the Plow pose and Shoulder Stand, which increase circulation in your thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.


There are many other great yoga poses for weight loss, such as the Locust, which is great for boosting energy levels. Another way that yoga assists in weight loss is through what it may be best known for -- reducing stress. As we reduce the body’s level of stress hormones, we increase our insulin sensitivity. Maintaining this balance tells our bodies to burn our food as fuel, instead of storing it as fat!