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Horticulture is a fun, healthy and rewarding activity. However, without the right knowledge, it can become difficult, stressful and frustrating. Everyone from newbies to experienced growers can learn valuable information from tips and tricks. This set of tips will really help you see an improvement in your garden and possibly teach you something you didn't know before.

Don't over-plant your produce. If you plant more of a particular variety than you can use, store, and give away, it will simply go to waste. Plan out your garden so that you will have enough, without planting so much that your efforts will simply end up getting thrown away or rotting on the vine.

Make use of rain buckets and barrels around your home. You can later use this collected rainwater on your garden to grow healthier plants, while saving the planet. This method also reduces your water bill, as you can't be charged for using the water that runs off your roof!

Slide your fingernails against a bar of soap to prevent dirt from getting under your nails. The dirt doesn't necessarily hurt you, but you will save time and effort when cleaning your hands later. Instead of having to dig underneath your nails, you can just use a nailbrush to quickly remove the soap residue.

Make sure that you prune your trees regularly. Dead wood on trees can attract pests that can infect your trees. Also, when you trim back small branches on a tree, it will increase the airflow between the branches and allow the larger branches to develop more. This will result in a stronger and healthier tree overall.

For basic vegetable or flower horticulture it is often not necessary to buy the most expensive horticulture tools and accessories. Visiting discount stores will often allow you to find basic tools at a low price. You should also be on the lookout each spring for most local supermarkets to set up an aisle or display with horticulture tools you can get for a good price,too.

To keep your plants from suffering irreparable damage, be sure to check them for bugs and various diseases at least once a week. All these problems are much easier to treat if caught quickly, and monitoring them closely can keep them from spreading to other plants. Research ways to treat common problems so that you'll be prepared for whatever you encounter.


You can use natural materials or other plants in your garden to keep away pests. A border of onions or marigolds around a vegetable garden can repel slug. Keep insects away from shrub and tree seedlings with mulch containing wood ash. These methods are environmentally-friendly and mean you do not have to resort to harsh chemicals.

Plant in the shade. All plants need light to survive, but not all of them need brilliant sunshine. Plants native to woodland areas are happy when they get protection from the sun's rays. There are many plants that will thrive in a shady garden, including Hosta, Cyclamen, Foxglove, Helleborus, Japanese Anemone, and Ajuga. By planting these, you will have a year-round display of color in even the shadiest of gardens.

Keep an eye on your lilies. Unfortunately, lilies are prone to virus disease, such as lily mosaic. If you can, purchase bulbs that are guaranteed 'virus-free'. During the growing season, keep a sharp look out for any aphids, as they spread the disease. Make sure to spray with insecticidals soap at the very first sign of them.

While Mother Nature will eventually do the work needed to create compost from a backyard pile, even if it is not actively tended, you can give her a helping hand by adding compost starter to the mix. Compost starters, available from the garden centers, add microorganisms to the soil that help speed up the decay process.

Once you begin gathering produce from your garden, share it with your friends and family. It is extremely satisfying to give them a gift containing something that you made with your own hands. Seeing the pleased reactions of the recipients, also motivates you to continue working hard on your garden.

You need to manage the pests in your garden without using pesticides or insecticides. One of the most important steps in pest management is to have healthy soil. It will help produce much healthier plants; plants that are stronger and can better withstand many kinds of disease and damage caused by insects.

Choose a site for fruit trees depending on their specific requirements. Most fruit trees require 8 hours of sun per day. Morning sun is important, as it dries dew rapidly, helping to prevent fungus. Avoid planting fruit trees in a low spot in the garden where frost or cold air can collect. Some fruit trees are especially susceptible to late frost damage, and are better planted on a north-facing slope. This is especially true for peach, plum, cherry and apricot trees.

To keep your garden organic, be sure that any seeds you buy are authentic, high quality organic seeds. Check to make sure that the seed company has been certified organic and does not sell any genetically modified seeds. There are a growing number of sources for organic seeds, so shop around.

While most people think of large organic farms when they hear about organic horticulture this is not always exactly how it works. If you are interested in becoming an organic farmer all you need is a small piece of land and some seeds of your own. If you plant it and take care of it, it is probably organic!

For indoor organic horticulture, temperature control is very important during the early phases. Seventy degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for most seeds to start growing. You can achieve this temperature relatively easily by installing heaters and placing the seeds near the vents. You can also purchase heat mats to place under your plant containers.

Hopefully, the above tips and tricks will help you to make a success of your organic garden! There is nothing like the taste of produce you grew in your own garden. Can you taste the tomato now? Wow! You should be proud of what you accomplish! Apply the information that best suits your circumstances and tastes! Enjoy your produce!