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 Population: 13,663,081


Ethnic Groups: Chewa, Nyanja, Tumbuka, Yao, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, and European.


Religions: Christian 80% Muslim 13% Other 7%




When greeting regular people they will shake right hands and place the left hand under the right forearm. If greeting an elder they will dip thier knees slightly, kneel down, and then clap three times quietly.




Popular Sports: Soccer and netball.


Other popular activities: Boa, hide&seek, and school sponsord activities.



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 Malawi children will make their soccerballs from old plastic bags.(left)







Christianity is the largest religion in Malawi. This is Malawi people praying. (above)


A traditional Malawi greeting. (below)


 Persoal Appearance


Women wear  blouses, skirts, and dresses. May also wear chitenje anround waist. The men wear pants, skirts, and often suit jackets.




Regular eaten foods in Malawi include corn, porridge, bread, tea, nsima, and ndiwo.


Grains: Rice, wheat, and corn.


Fruits: Papyas, mangoes, and bananas.


Vegatables: Sweet potatoes, avacados, and tomatoes.




Popular Holidays: New Years Eve, Chitemlewe Day, Martyrs, Labor Day, and Eater.


Foods Eaten On Holidays: Various fish, meats, and grains.