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 There are very many benefits of the exchange 2003 exchange 2010 migration.  If your business is running ion the on-premises 2003 servers it is highly recommended that you upgrade to the exchange 2010.  One of the greatest reasons to do this exchange migration is that the 2010 provides excellent back up of the mailboxes.  If you do the migration you will completely eliminate all the worries of backup and recovery. 


The exchange 2003 has limited options of recovery and it may sometimes be not easy to recover mailboxes after the failure of servers. The exchange 2010 offers wide choice of options for the recovery of mailboxes.  In the exchange 2010 the servers may be located in different   that were stored in there will be recovered from copy saved in the office at the other location. 


The exchange 2010 migration from the exchange 2003 also brings to an end the concerns of archiving. With the exchange 2010, the users are capable of dragging and dropping the mailboxes in to the archive store instead of copying them in to premises local hard drive.  The organization management can easily search within this centralized repository. This makes the compliancy and e-discovery easaier in the Exchange than in the exchange 2003.