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Health issues:
I have found that if I take a very difficult to read book, with me to my Physician, and leave it on the table for his eyes, that he treats me with more respect(its a great trick)..especially a new Doctor that I have not been to before!( Examples: Forensic Psychology, Bioethics etc)


I always "google" any new words from any medical reports. I always check the medication on the internet. is a helpful site. I need to know as much as possible about anything I put in my body. I do not rely on the Physicians to inform me. I search myself and keep informed also of any new meds on the market


I take a notebook with me. I write my questions down before I see my Doctor and I make sure I am able to ask the questions when I get in there. I can write the answer in my notebook if need be.


If its serious, I bring a friend with me, or family member to my Doctor to give me moral support, and also be another set of ears to hear what the Doctor said!


The key factor is what can we do as Seniors today? How can we have a voice, and what can we can we win back respect? What are your ideas?
