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E Cigarettes are made to simulate smoking a real cigarette. Although there have been what some might call “rogue” e cigarette distributors that want to capitalize on the claim that e cigarettes can make you stop smoking, most reputable e cigarette distributors do not make this claim. E cigarettes are intended to be an alternative for people that enjoy the act of smoking, but do not wish to continue smoking tobacco in order to do it. Electronic cigarettes give tobacco smokers this option.

Cartridge Strengths

The cartridges you use with your unit, whether it be a regular cartridge or a cartomizer, can be purchased in various strengths of nicotine. You can purchase your cartridges with no nicotine at all if you like. When it comes to the point of whether or not a person could stop smoking altogether using an e cigarette, well that of course, is entirely up to the individual and the will power they invoke in giving up the habit.

It could be similar to the way a person that is still smoking tobacco gradually steps down the number of cigarettes they smoke until they stop. That is just as possible with an e cigarette, it's just that you should not be misled into thinking the e cigarette itself will do it, it is up to the person. As of yet, no proven product alone can make you stop smoking or give up nicotine if you don't really want to including electronic cigarettes.

Can E Cigs Help You Give Up Nicotine?

For those that start out using a stronger nicotine strength cartridge, they might find it possible to gradually step down the strength of their nicotine over time until they can use a cartridge with no nicotine at all eventually, but once again, this is entirely dependent upon the user, not the product. A person could use this in a similar way as some of the products that are recommended and approved by the FDA and could possibly get results that are just as dependable.

If you visit and read the Q&A segment, “What products should people who want to quit smoking use? “, you will see what the FDA recommends, even though a recent study of nicotine patches and gums appears to offer no more hope of quitting smoking or giving up nicotine long term than perhaps weaning oneself off gradually with an e cigarette. This is not to say that e cigarettes are made for this purpose, it's just that as the study of smoking cessation products has shown, millions of people use those FDA approved products with the sincere hope of quitting smoking and billions of dollars are spent on them each year.

Smokers that buy those nicotine products that are especially designed to help them quit, many times do so because they are FDA approved. What most smokers that buy them don't realize according to the recent study is that most smokers don't quit at all or return to smoking eventually. At the very least using an e cigarette allows you to feel like you are smoking and at the same time gives you the nicotine or no nicotine option and it does not promise to help you you quit.

Buying A Quality E Cigarette

One point that has been made by some and is definitely true is that some e cigarettes are not manufactured very well. There are some very inferior e cigarettes out there, but when you visit In Sight E Cig Reviews, you will be choosing from among only the highest quality products available on the market. You won't have to worry about whether the brand name or starter kit you choose is a good one or not, because among this group, they have all been chosen for their high volume of customer satisfaction in all areas from vapor production to product performance and longevity.