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Domestic Flights See An Increase In The Indian Subcontinent

India is a vast country and the distances between its cities and towns are finally diminishing due to the increasing number of domestic flights. Thanks to the ever increasing size of domestic aviation operations in Indi there are many passengers who can now take flights to destinations of their choice in the subcontinent and very well know that it is only a matter of hours before they reach there. 

Domestic flights in India have only just begun to have a strong presence in the travel scenario in the country. Before, whenever one thought of travelling they used to stand in long queues at reservation centers at railway stations to get their seats on trains. The process of booking tickets itself was quite bothersome and then came the long and arduous journeys. Soon however airlines in India began to increase their operations and the domestic sector saw a steep increase in the number of flights operated.

When the domestic aviation sector started spreading its wings it mostly paid attention to the major cities in India. Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkata were among the cities that saw connections between them and for a long period of time the main concentration of domestic airlines rallied on these cities. The advent of low cost operations however saw even Tier I and Tier II cities being included in the list of destinations and in recent years domestic flights in India have not only seen an increase but demands for more flights have started pouring in too.