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        my name is mike and I write gay fiction and scfi stories under the handle of deathboi/deathboi69. I was forced or I should say persuaded to write by a friend who says I am talented but I don't think that is true but I like being a people pleaser so I jumped up and said I would do it!!! My editor I will just call him wild heart is a dear friend of mine who I wrangled in to help me :)... I am 25 and going back to school for a degree in social work with a minor in psychology. I have a dream (rofl such an inside joke) to help the glbt community as much as I possibly can :) I have a husband of about 2 years who is behind me in whatever I choose to tackle head on in life and I think that’s all I will be saying here unless I come up with more to add ...

 Hope you all like my writings
