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Google Voice
With its diverse applications, and backing from Google, it is possible for Google Voice to take over the telecommunication market worldwide.
The Possibility of success has already drawn attention from many competitors. Since Google Voice is a web calling services it does not have to follow rules traditional telecommunications services do. In order to change that AT&T has already filed law suit against Google Voice to get them to be constituted under the telecommunication acts.
Barriers to entry
While Google Voice is not the pioneer of this service, but no other service provider is comparable in size, and capital of the Google Giant.
For example, teleconferencing for international company is made by renting private phone line from teleconferencing service provider such as Genesis. However, the rental fees of the phone line are expansive, and many restrictions apply. With Google voice, teleconferencing services is free of extra charge, and international rates are relatively low.
Although the entrance barrier is low for the web calling service, any current internet provider, or telecommunication provider can enter the market, it would be impossible to compete with the Google Giant without massive advertisement, and astronomical funding.