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in general, with men, *stop* discussing things. stop. start looking for what is *neat* and *cool* about a guy.
he can fix a window. cool. he can fix a computer SO cool! he can move your furniture. he can fix a boat. he can Buy a country house. he can make a lot of money to send his kids to college. he can drive long distances to go camping. he can catch delicious fish.
he can fix a washing machine! he can tie cool knots. he can fix you telescope. he can plant fruit trees in your garden.
and *stop*, and I mean *stop*, looking to What They Do Wrong.
it is a road to disaster. and miserable, failed relationships with men.
stop *whining* that they they do not Act Like Women. and stop raging at it.
I recently went insane, and did not follow this advice with my bf.
the consequences were terrible.
it is soo easy to go off the deep end in the wrong direction.
do not dwell on it. just get back on track. asap.

and consider, before you speak, that maybe you should not even speak of it. really. 3/4 of what women think needs to be "talked about", often ruins a good relationship.
consider, before you speak, that you are *over reacting*, or *taking insult at everything* (where non eis intended), or that you are just whining, or over focusing on the neagtives, and magnifying them too much.
consider, that most problems with men can best be solved, most effectively, by NoT talking about it.
whenever you Do talk about a problem, be soft, keep the message ShOrT, and to the point, and always, and I mean always assume his goodwill, and be open to the possiblity that you are misinterpreting something he has done, or you are whacko. lol.