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Description: - A woman with a cat's head.

                        - A black, bejeweled cat.

                        - A cat with a woman's head.


Sacred Color: Green.


Sacred Herbs:  - Catnip

                            - Cannabis

                            - Cinnamon

                            - Vervain


She is the Goddess of: EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l


Symbols: - Sistrum

                  - Ankh

                  - Cats

                  - Pentagram


Holidays/Sacred Days: April 15- Festival of Bast

                                          May 15- Festival of Bast

                                          August 27- Procession of Bast

                                          October 31- Feast of Bast/Halloween

                                          November 17- Festival of Bast

                                          December 5- Bast Goes Forth from Bubastis

                                          December 6- Bast Guards the Two Lands

                                          December 14- Bast Guides Egypt

                                          December 25- The Bastist New Year; when Bast    

                                                                 created the world, humans, etc.


The Creation Story: Bast created everything out of sacred clay. She formed it and she blew the sacred breath of life, of course, Her breath, onto it and it was alive. Bastists believe in Animism. Bast wants everything that she created to be protected.