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Chemical Pregnancy -A Result Of Chromosomal Defects


In cases of chemical pregnancy, the egg after fertilization does not get attached to the walls of the uterus. And this stage is also known as a stage of miscarriage at an early stage. As according to the findings, around 50 to 70 percent of women undergo miscarriage. Mostly miscarriages occur during the gestation period, in the twentieth week. It may happen that you have not been expecting a baby, and you go through testing, you may get false results. During the past years, the tests for pregnancies were conducted by experienced doctors through blood observation tests.


But these days, numerous methods are available for detecting pregnancies’ seven days when you get a gap in your menstrual cycle. And thus, women are curious to know that their pregnancy will result into miscarriage or not. According to researches, it has been shown that, around seventy percent of women undergo chemical pregnancy after conception. It has been found that usually women do not show the symptoms of chemical pregnancy, as most of them don’t come to know that they have become pregnant.


Sometimes, women may show symptoms of abdominal cramps as well as mild spots before they face a gap during their periods. But they don’t come across the chemical pregnancy symptoms as nausea or tiredness. This happens as the egg after fertilization was not able to implant itself on the walls of the uterus. And you may experience a slight bleeding after the test. But in cases of chemical pregnancy, the tests show a low level of HCG.


According to the opinion of experts, the evidences for miscarriage have not been collected as yet. And doctors believe that it is caused due to chromosomal defects in the embryos during the development phase. Other causes include infections or illnesses, or abnormalities in the uterus, or disturbed abnormal levels. Thus it is necessary that you have the desired knowledge on various aspects of pregnancy beforehand. You can take the help of various kinds of guidebooks and take the opinion of medical experts online for the same. It is indeed an embarrassing situation when you are expecting a baby, and you hear that you have undergone chemical pregnancy. It is disastrous indeed.


Women have thus become conscious about getting tested, when they feel they are going to conceive, and find a lapse in their periods. These days numerous methods are available which are cheap and get detect pregnancy at an early stage.