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"In time of test, family is best."
-Burmese Proverb



Family Friends Interests Resume

My parents, Joe and Kate, are the couple that you see in movies. They go out on dates all the time, and they hold hands when we go places. They have not let their love die down just because they have been married for some odd years. The relationship they have is one I hope to find myself in twenty years down the road.

My younger brother, Joey, is one of the most intelligent young men I have met. He can look at any type of problem and solve it. Being twelve, he does not quite understand the impact his intelligence could have on some people. He is just now hitting that stage of growing up, and I love watching him go through the same experiences I did. He is quite the character.

My younger sister, Kristina, is probably the meanest child I have ever met. She always needs things to be 'her' way. If she were to ever get kidnapped, they would bring her back out of sheer irritation. Although she may get on my nerves, I love that little girl.


February 8, 2009 was probably the hardest day my family has ever had to endure. My brother went into cardiac arrest, and was air lifted to Devos. We pulled together when we needed to, and are now closer than ever. Home is not where your heart is, family is where your heart should be.





My biological father is not what you would call a stand up guy. He has not always been there, but he is starting to step up to the plate. He tries and that is all that really matters. He is more than a friend than a father, but I love him.