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 What  You Call God



What you call God,


I call shelter in a thunderstorm



What you call Heaven,


I call green fields from hard stone



What you call Jesus


I call forgiveness from a lost friend



And what you call Hell,


I call the earth itself, wasted in hatred




Brainwash Me Please



Here is my brain, please brainwash me


Yes, I'll be your willing victim



You have my permission, re-wire me


Make me ignore & forget



I'll believe in lies or half-truths


To save me from this hell



And if you're promising me you know the Answers


Here is my brain, do with it as you please




Knowing God


Knowing God through Jesus


Or knowing God through an earthly stone


Knowing God through the books of history


Or knowing God through a day on his Earth


Piecing God together, bit by bit,


leaving work for future generations


Or one day just meeting God in whole, face to face


Basking in beauty, terror and bewilderment




Energy Source


I don't doubt that your God is real


When I see the fruits of your belief


A legitimate, valid energy source


Nothing can come from nothing


Tap into that great energy source


That nobody can deny




Convert "God" energy into good works

Bringing Heaven down to Earth







A God I Would Worship

Whether your God be real
Or just a false idol

It is a God I would worship
A lie I would believe in

Give up my pride & bow before it
If comes a time we all must

And if we all must choose a higher power
We might at least choose the lie we believe best




Like Choosing Between Life and Death

You say life without a car ain't living                                        
Nor without TV, House or Wife

The present age is always the golden age
Humanity moves forward, never backward



How lowly are all the animal races
Living lives as good as deaths

To choose between here now and then there
Is to choose between life and death





Does Heaven look at all like the cities we build?
Or simple like primal Earth?

Each century a clearer vision of how God meant it?
Or just a another vision, nothing more?

The Lady Messiah

You lay bare your body and soul
Give salvation from the hell of loneliness and heartache
Though you're just a photograph, you touch me so intimately
Such fulfillment,I get closer to heaven

I reap what you sow
My debt to you is more than you know
Such an oasis in the dull desert of life
A sign of life in a virtual graveyard



"Knowing Your Future"

I feel I can see your future

And it makes me grieve for you

Tortured by paranoid fears

I save you from demons you can't see

My love for you  puts phantoms in my head

I hurt you in trying to help you

Maybe I should just let go

Let the earth, sun and moon be your guide

"Loving My Own Worst Enemy"

I'm my own worst enemy

I'm at war with myself

Mind against Body

Love against Lust

Only when I learn to love and accept

My broken body and broken heart

Will I start to heal and move forward

Bring an end to the war and live in peace

"A Thankless Job"

I provide love to the dying plants

And to the crying children

You win wars and build towering artifices

Are hailed a hero and showered with glory

"Skin against Steel"

The armour-clad knight bowed to the naked lady

To his mind she is a sacred object

"Take off your armour brave sir" she says

"So I can touch you at your heart"

So the man of war became a man of love

Exposed to his enemies' jeers


Put a Little Earth in Your Heaven

Your passionless love splutters and dies

Like an unprimed bullet from a gun

Your gun is aimed at nothing

You’re firing wild

Scattering seed in an empty vacuum

Calling Alien races from galaxies afar

You recite the magic words from sacred books

And hope that the legends are true

But the sun doesn’t shine any brighter

Nor the breeze blow any cooler

Mars, Jupiter and Venus resonate with our prayers

While Earth receives no love at all

Put a little love in your heart

And put a little lust in your love

Crave for the things you really need

And aim your gun at open hearts

We’re all just earthbound men

And though we can dream of higher plains

Mother earth is our Mother by birth

When our dreams turn to nightmares we still have Her