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One sad fact: Hair that is damaged so much can only be treated and repaired by salons advanced hair treatment technology. That is why, it is a must that you know the commonly glossed over hair issues before you reach your hair’s point of no return. 

Being knowledgeable of the early signs of damage gives your hair a big chance of preventing further breakage.  Troubleshooting early can retard the damage process, and that is why we are giving you important tips on the early recognition of hair damage issues.  Follow our simple tips in preventing usual hair problems, click here.

The main part of the treatment is on the first step although it might be uneasy. Keep an eye on your hair carefully.  Check the strands and look for any damage such as breakage, split ends, weak and seemingly deformed strands.  Checking the hair color will also serve.  It is critical that the nature of the damage be identified promptly.  Damaging factors come in chemical or mechanical forms. Is it chemical or mechanical?  We can still assert which of the two is the primary culprit.

Repeated hair treatments have some chemical agents that causes hair future hair problems. Hair loses life when chemicals stop proteins from building up hair strands. Hair loses the ability to retain moisture and heal from physical trauma when it receives mechanical damage.  Frequent agents of mechanical damage are activities such as daily backcombing, brushing wet hair, too much wind, overexposure to the hot sun, and excessively forceful towel rubbing.

Here are the most common hair damage issues, and some recommended interventions

Split ends and hair discoloration. Being exposed to the sun can cause these problems. Hair products can help you prevent weak hair strands and shield them from radiation of the sun, thus fortifying each strands.  Hair becomes less prone to ironing and blow drying side effects every time the strands increase their cellular strength.

Irritating tangles. It hurts of course.  Vibrant hair is overpowered by tangles.  For some people, disarranged hair is a reflection of one’s personality. Tangled tresses might be brought upon by lack of hair essence that prevents tangles.  Sometimes, it is not your fault.  Nourishment and some substances define the health of your hair.  Make sure your hair is in optimal health for that smooth tangle-free experience.

Dull lifeless hair.  It is quite frustrating for those in the tropical regions to have volume dilemmas. If you want your hair to have body and bounce, make sure that it has enough supply of proteins and lipids.  Hair medications are available in the market to help people resurrect their dying hair but the dosage must be taken in right amounts. Weighing the hair strands down with too much product is counter-productive and only leads to even more problems

Visiting hair salons such as professionals from can fix treat any hair problem that you may have.