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Order A Consult

To begin the consultation process, please complete each of these steps:

  1. New Patients
    -Download this form by clicking on QUESTIONNAIRE FORMS-New Patient

    Returning Patients
    -Download this form by clicking on QUESTIONNAIRE FORMS-Returning Patient

    Please answer all questions and sign the form.
    If you have problems downloading this form, click HELP

  2. You need to get a copy of your Medical records
  3. You need to make a Copy of your Photo ID
  4. Download and fill out the Fax Covered Sheet
  5. FAX these documents to Get Online Doctor:
    • Questionnaire Form (must be signed)
    • Medical Records
    • Copy Photo ID
    • Fax Cover Sheet
      Fax Number: 727 447-3497


  • A medical doctor will review your medical information. A Consultation is setup (prescription will be approved /disapproved). You will be sent an email containing information about the date, time and phone number to call for your consultation with the doctor. New consultations are available same day or next day. Please check your email often.
  • Prescription sent to the pharmacist
  • Pharmacy will fill and ship your prescription to you

HELP for downloading the QUESTIONNAIRE FORMS-New Patient

  1. Click on: Questionnaire Forms-New Patient
  2. Click on Save (this file can be saved on the Desktop or in My Document folder.
  3. Go to the Desktop or My Document and Double-click on the form you just downloaded.
  4. Click on File, and select Print.
  5. Fill out the form and sign it.
  6. Continue with step 2.

If you are still having problems downloading any Forms, please email us at and we will FAX the forms to you.