Original Character Grimwing from the Machine Head series

Machine Head

As promised I'm slowly working on original characters. Here's #2 in the series of characters from my Machine Head series, introducing Grimwing the Vile one. The idea started out from an accessory head that I got in an import figure(some sort of Japanese phantom of the opera pvc girl) along with her hands, and grew from there. I used a ML Havok body, feet/wings/kneepads from a dragon from new Yu-gi-oh/Bakugan type figure line, and finished him off with some craft lace bandages. His eyes and kneecaps are reflective glass drops and look really cool so I'm gonna have to use more of these in future customs for glowing-type eyes.


Looking for a variety of custom figures? Scroll through some listings below!

Email: jinsaotome@hotmail.com