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There are several sites that will offer not only additional information regarding Mechassault, but also aid in playing  the game, as well as gamers that you may enjoy playing with.  Below are links to some of these sites.  This will be updated from time to time when there are new sites that are found for MA.  Always remember, the game is what counts, enjoy it and you will be rewarded very richly.

ChaoticHarmony.  This is the greatest clan there is.  We enjoy the game for the game itself, and do not play for stats in any of the games that we play.
The official Mechassault Forum site.  Here you can talk to your fellow MA fanatics.
The home site for the XBox.  There are resources available here not only for Mechassault, but for all of the XBox games.
XBox Live Servers is a site that you can use to find a reputable host for games.  This does not only serve MA, but the majority of XBox Live games.
Day 1 Studios is the company that produced MA.  If you want to see news about the game, this is the place to go.
FASA is the company that produces BattleTech, the original board game that MA is based on.