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The Big Apple
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I'm sure you've heard of this place. This is where the Late Show w/ David Letterman is filmed from. This was the first stop on our trip we walked here (about 3 blocks) from Times Square.

We also walked around the corner into the CBS store where we saw all sorts of CBS show stuff. We also say the "Hello" Deli and Rupert G. !!!

This is the first place we went. The famous Times Square. It was full of people and we went into the Virgin Records Mega Store.

We also said hello to MTV studios. Too bad it was the weekend, or I would have tried to see TRL or something.

I love Times Square. Here is a pic I took of Alex at night time.

This is the ceiling in the Guggenheim Modern Art Museum. Alex wanted to go here b/c he has been to the one in Venice.

Now he can say that he's been to both. There was a lot construction when we went so we didn't get to see much. We did see a lot of Picasso, Degas, and some Van Gogh. It was awesome seeing all those paintings in real life.

Then we went to Central Park. This is the awesome bridge by the Reservoir.

I was amazed to see the number of people running through the park.

This is the view looking through the fence(westward) around the Reservoir.

This is the Egyptian hieroglyphics monument behind the Metropolitan Museum in Central Park. It was awesome.

So this is the museum! There were so many people sitting outside on the steps.

Empire State Building. It was awesome. It was only $11 to go to the observation deck. It was so cool so see everything from 86 stories up.

It was worth the $11. It took awhile to get to the top. There were scurity checks and ticket lines and crammed elevators. The view at the top was awesome. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing all of New York City and beyond. I loved up top!

This is the view looking east. These are the bars all around the observation deck.

This is the view I got when I stuck my head and the camera out the bars. It was really scary. The cabs looked liked ants!!!

This is the view looking south from the Empire State Building. You can see the financial district, The Statue of Liberty and where the Twin Towers used to be. The Brooklyn Bridge had just been cut out of the left side of the picture.

This is the view looking east again. I loved these buildings with the gold tops!!

This is the lightning rod, or "pointy thing" as I was calling it yesterday. It is really fat. It would be cool to see it get struck by lightning.

This is the view of the Empire State Building at dusk. This is after I finished shopping at OLD NAVY. We were walking down the street to Madison Square garden. I turned around and told ALex to snap that picture... or I just did it myself. I don't quite remember.

The above picture is also the background for this site.

This is the Chrysler Building from the Empire State Building. A lot of "out of towners" get it confused with the Empire State Building. It's so shiny and pretty. Especially on a sunny day!

When we got to Ground Zero the sun had gone down. It was dark and quiet at the World Trade Center. It felt eerie and creepy. There was no one on the streets either. I felt like I wasn't suppose to be there.

Ground Zero, right now, is just a huge, I mean huge, hole in the ground. It is all fenced off with plaques all around telling about the World Trade Center. There is one plaque that reads all the names of the people who lost their lives' that day.

This is the lone security dude standing watch over the construction road into Ground Zero. He looked really bored.