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John Eugene Rollins
Born:  March 14, 1978
Place:  Ft. Lee, NJ
"Johnny" is 1 1/2 years old in this photo.

      You are a famous author.  You are well-known for your written biographies.  One of the reasons  the public loves your books is that you are very thorough with your research and your books are always full of interesting and imaginative detail.
       One day, you get a phone call from the WORLD FAMOUS  publishing company, Big-Time Baby Biographers.  Baby Biographers are especially well-known for getting a lot of  photographs on their subjects, especially when they were very young!  They are offering to pay you TEN MILLION DOLLARS to write a"BABY" biography!  The company will be mailing out the details to you, and you have one week to complete  the job!  Are you up to the challenge????!!

Johnny was a "deep thinker" even when he was only three!


Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion