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Please be patient, some of the files
are kind of big, but they are worth the wait!

Garden at Gethsemane

Jordan River

Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee

Sunset over the Sea of Galilee

Bethlehem star where Jesus was born

Jerusalem ~ Dome of the Rock ~

Steps Jesus walked up to be judged by Pontius Pilate

The town of Capernaum, and thats my friend Tammy!

Cave #4 ~ Where the Dead Sea scrolls were found

Door of the temple that was built over Jesus' house


~ Family Pictures ~

Kelle(me) at my sister's wedding

My mom and pops!

Newlyweds!! Cyndi(my sis),Chris & Summer

My son Robert and my sister Cyndi

Jessica, my daughter

My son Robert and my nephew Thomas

Jessica and my nephew Thomas after their violin recital.