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Project 21  




Confidential Report


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Money is easy, Once you know how
Confidential Report                   Printer Friendly Version

If you're reading this report, money is important to you...


My name is Clarissa Edwards.  This report, which is intended to introduce

the unique business opportunity run by my company, is one,                 

which you can copy and easily run yourself. In ONE year it can earn you  

hundreds of  thousands of dollars.


This is no get-rich-quick scheme, money game or similar scam.  It is a

simple, workable business that still startles me when I see the growing

demand for it.  I have discovered a no-limit business opportunity that            

easily produces me an enviable income and will do exactly the same for you. 


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It is very satisfying to be able to tell people that my customers and I ARE
earning money, while most business opportunities continue telling people the
CAN earn money.

"PROJECT 21"  The Lucrative E-Mail Business Composed by Michael G    Braid(Gemini Publishing). 

Forget all the "how to make a million" offers we have all seen for years. 

They all promise you everything, but deliver nothing. 
I know of none that tell you exactly how to make the money you want. 
Project 21 is a very different kind of opportunity. 
It's no ordinary wealth-building plan.  It's a proven and realistic income
builder that will provide you with all the money you want for years to come. 
Each month, for a year, I will provide you with the information you need
 to achieve that income.

Women of


It's the ultimate wealth creation opportunity that has given a new start to
many individuals - people like you, who have been searching for a wealth
building opportunity for a long time.  Your search is now over.  You have
found that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Project 21 will answer
your income needs well into the future, providing you with the essential
tools and the means to achieve real, lasting financial independence. Over 500,000 songs



No doubt you've been waiting a long time to find such a plan.  You've
probably also wasted a great deal of time and money in your search.  You may have become disillusioned and disheartened.  But now you can put all the bad experience behind you.

Project 21 is specifically designed to solve the income problems experienced
by so many in today's economy.  It's designed to work for all who use it,
without any experience.  This is a very profitable business.  It's designed
to work from any organised space in your home that you can set aside. You
can get started from your PC station because this truly is an online
business, and it's ready.  There is no red tape.  It's as easy to start this
plan deciding to do it!

Earning $2000 and more every week is only a few steps away from you.
Imagine what you want to achieve and this plan will give you the means to
achieve it all.  Isn't there room in your life for an extra $2,000 per week?


How can it be true?




It's true because it's already being done by hundreds of others, and it
works.  It will work for you as well, if you simply follow the instructions

Project 21 is a unique plan.  It gets you started in the lucrative world of
home E-Mail processing.  You can start from only $90 per month and earn an
income of $2000, or even more, each week, simply by following the
instructions that I provide.

There are 12 instalments, and each of them helps you to progress your new
business in an easy, step-by-step fashion.  No longer are you left high and
dry, like other plans that offer everything, but which deliver nothing.

From day one, you will have what you need to generate a fabulous income that
grows continually as the months pass.  Within just 3 weeks, you can enjoy an
income flow that will astound you.

The information you will receive each month is not only a thorough and
effective instruction course in marketing, but it is also your product,
ready made.  It sells like hot cakes, without any personal contact.  The
whole operation is conducted entirely by E-mail.

Work when it suits you, from only 2-6 hours a week.  Yes, that's right.
From just 2 hours each week, you will have an ongoing home E-mail processing 

business running from your PC station within 3 weeks.

It takes only 2-3 months to build your income level to your eventual target.
Once you reach that figure, you'll probably want to expand it again.  I've
always found more uses for the fabulous income that this plan provides.  I'm
sure that you, too, can think of many right now!  How often have you dreamed
of the solution to all your money worries simply arriving on your doorstep?

Now that dream can become a reality - but you choose whether you want that
dream, or whether you prefer the struggle.  The facts are obvious.  Most
people ignore the opportunities that present themselves several times in a
lifetime.  Most people are afraid to reach out for a new solution because
they are preoccupied with being ripped off.  Some people are afraid of a
change in direction because it presents too many unknowns.  Others are
cynical in the extreme, but miss the point entirely.

Money only comes if you ask for it.  Project 21 gives you the money and the
freedom.  Customers are flocking, eager to pay and glad that they did; there
are very few opportunities such as this one.


How do you know if it will work for you?
It is designed to work for everyone.  But it can only work if you let it. 
As with any plan, good or bad, it has no chance of success if you just file it. 
There's only one way to prove to yourself that this plan is everything I say it is. 
The real acid test is to do it.  Once you have mustered a little courage to test my claims, use my advice and follow my instructions, nothing will hold you
back - as hundreds of satisfied customers testify ....

Who needs banks with Project 21?


Anyone and everyone.

With just 100 customers, Project 21 brings you $9000 each month from all
over the world.  If you only ever had 100 customers, you would receive
$108000 in the year.  Within a few months it is possible to have as many as
300 customers.  It's been done more than once, and you could easily do the

Remember that how far you go is up to you.  If you devote more than 6 hours
weekly, then you could aim for 250 customers, or possible as many as 500
customers with 12-15 hours of weekly effort.


  Why does it work?

This plan works because the world is full of negative thinkers, the sceptics
and the cynics.  These people will always tell you that such plans never
work.  The reason that they actually do is precisely because of these
negative thinkers.  If everyone were a positive thinker, there would be no
one to sell anything to.  Everyone would be successful, and no opportunities
would exist.

There are estimated to be around 75 million opportunity seekers in the USA
at any one time.  That's a huge marketplace of dissatisfied people looking
for something new, something different which will change their lives.
Project 21 will give you the power to achieve your ambitions, starting
within a few short weeks.  You can do it easily, because the product, and
the promotion materials, are ready made for you.  You simply follow the

All over the world, people are clamouring to get hold of this plan.  Far
more people than I alone can handle.  To bring you this plan is no loss to
me.  I benefit in every way, just the same as you.  The market is always
changing, and the theory of saturation does not stand.  Project 21 is an
education in itself.  A marvelous opportunity for wealth and freedom.

Reginald Gee, who became a millionaire in mail order, declared "It's easy to
make money when you know how."  Others such as John Gommes, Peter Read, and
John Scott are all well-known millionaires who made their fortunes in the
same  way in the mail order business.  You can't surf through the television
stations now days without running into an infomercial about generating
fortunes with direct marketing and mail order programs.  So what's the

There's no secret to making big money online.  We do it, and so do thousands
of others.  You only need to know the success formula to achieve precisely
the same.  You need no special skills, or even any knowledge about the
subject to be just as successful.  The beauty of this business is that you
don't need to know anyone.  You don't need to go out and sell, and you don't
need oodles of money to get started.  Best of all, you can do it at home,
without staff or overheads.

Project 21 gives you the advantages that the millionaires in mail order
already use.  Right from day one, you'll have all the material and
information you need to get you on the road to riches.  That's no idle
claim.  The success formula has been identified.  Project 21 encapsulates
that formula, and makes it ready to use by novices and professionals alike.
In the business world, we say it has been "shrink-wrapped".


  Follow our success and make it your own?

Of course, nothing of any value is ever cheap.  If you're still looking for
a cheap way to make money, then forget it because it doesn't work.  You
could waste months and years finding out the hard way.  And real opportunity
presents itself only a few times in a lifetime.


Why keep trying to navigate the rocky road when you could easily be riding the gravy train? 
Right now, you're just standing still.  If you don't try
something different you are not likely to get different results than you
have been getting.  We know all these things.  We know how difficult it is
to break free, when everything ties you down so much.

That's why we've made it possible for you to start Project 21 with only $90
after the first month.  You can pay in easy instalments over 12 months.
Each part is then sent out to you automatically each month, within a few
days of your money being received.  You'll have all the up-to-the-minute
instructions, and the product, to increase your income weekly.

As soon as you have your first customer, the whole course of 12 instalments
is paid for!  The benefit to you of paying by instalments if even greater.
Most times, you will only ever have to find the first $90 instalment
payment.  Before the next issue is due, you should have at least another
customer.  That customer effectively pays for you!  As you get more and more
customers, you still only pay $90 each month.

You never pay any more.  Your profit rapidly escalates, as increasing
numbers of people sent you $90 per month.  They are buying a new set of
educational products from you every month.  Watch the power of
multiplication at work!

But remember that this is not MLM, or network marketing.  There are no down
link commissions or bonuses, no sales parties, and no stock to buy each
month, or qualifying levels to reach.  This is your OWN business.  You have
direct control over it at every stage.  The more customers you get, the more
you will earn.  You can run it for as long as you wish.  But, it at any time
you wish to stop, there is a guaranteed buy back, so you can sell your
business to me.  Not that you're likely to want to do that, of course!
Unless time constraints prevent you from properly servicing your customers.
However, with Project 21, the income you make by staying with the program
will far outweigh what you can earn in full-time employment.

You're not left on your own to sink or swim, either.  I want you to succeed.
So, any time you need help or advice, I'm only a telephone call or e-mail

Some people say that they cannot afford to join the plan.  That's like
saying "I can't afford to become rich."

So, now you've read this far you know how it works!  You already know how careful you have to be to avoid losing hard earned cash on moneymaking scams and MLM plans. But I know that something inside is already telling you that this is the right plan for you. In fact, you already know
it will work.

Your intuitive abilities guide you well.  You know that by joining now, you
can have 100 of your own customers in next to no time.  And, of course, this
report does the job, so you can use it yourself.  Getting started is the
easy part.  Deciding to do it is essential.

Can you devote 2-6 hours weekly?  

Will you make the decision to start?


Talk about success!

The last time people were invited to join the plan, 335 people accepted the
offer!  If you want to get in, then you must to it quickly.  Each day that
passes is another lost opportunity.  If you delay your decision then there
is a possibility you will have missed this offer for a considerable time.

I consider 100 enrolments are about ideal.  Not only does it bring in an
annual revenue of $108000, but it is also an easy number to manage, and to provide back-up for.

You could easily do the same.  If you want to aim higher, then speak to me
first.  I can give you special instructions as to how you should be organized
 at home, and an idea of what you'll need to handle more than 300
customers.  You will probably find that you'll need more than 20 hours
weekly at this level.

  What now?

First you should decide what level of income would make a useful improvement
to your lifestyle.  100 customers is an ideal starting point, and is easy to
achieve.  However, if you would like to go for 150 initially, that's OK,
provided that you can devote the extra time needed.  After all, that's an
income of $162000 per year!

Each one of your customers buys into the same opportunity for financial
freedom as you.  In return for their monthly subscription, you simply
electronically reproduce the parts of the course we supply to you, and send
it to them.  It's such an easy way to get into online fortunes, we know you
will be thoroughly delighted.  Review the material you have received.  Make
a list of any questions you wish to ask, and e-mail me.  I'll be delighted
to help you to get started.  And don't forget, all the instructions are
fully detailed and easy to follow, on a month by month basis.  You get
everything you need to know to be successful with Project 21.

Finally, the benefits of Project 21 should remain uppermost in your mind.
Project 21 enables you, your family and your friends to gain success
never before imagined, to...

Become Truly Cash Rich,

Enjoy Money Flowing In Like A River,

Own Luxury Vehicles of your Choice,

Own Your Home Outright,

Take Several Holidays  A Year,

Eliminate All Unwanted Debt,

Be Independent, Enjoy The Good Life,

Not Want or Struggle!

If you want any of these things, and the satisfaction that goes with a
respectable business, then join me now.  The thirst for information of this
calibre is massive.  Thousands want the knowledge that you can provide.You
get that knowledge first.  I know you'll never look back.

Many people have asked if they can purchase the full course immediately.  I
have no problem with this, after all it's money in my bank account.
However, there's no need to do it.  I don't need all your money up front.
It is not intended that you should spend funds immediately that would be
better kept in your pocket.  The whole package has been designed so you can
earn money without an enormous outlay.  Why not let your cash flow pay for
your participation.  Furthermore, because of the immense power of the
instructions, I want you to absorb them and use them on a monthly cycle, as
the course intended.  This way you will grow with the course, your income
growth also benefits to the maximum.

Gator: Your smart online companion!

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