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Project 21

                            Letter of Intent Application Form

Your Name
E-Mail address
Alt. E- Mail address
Phone Number
Date Of Birth (DOB) (This is a must)
How did you find this site?
Please Tick - I NEED TO START

PROJECT 21 LETTER OF INTENT - By submitting this form, I understand that I may promote this program Online via E-mail and usenet postings and that full advice and assistance will be available to me. The LETTER OF INTENT is valid for a period of 30 days, from the date of the E-mail transmission. During the 30 days, I need to make no payments for PROJECT 21. If I am satisfied with the program after the first 30 days and wish to continue, I will agree to pay $90 for each additional information package received after the first month. I am able to quit anytime just by sending a E-mail to my mentor saying I quit the project. Plus if I have any clients or prospective clients under me, I will send their names to my mentor so the clients don't miss out because I quit.