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Fun and Glamorous Book Club Fun and Glamorous Book Club

Fun and Glamorous
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A Very Merry Fun and Glamorous Holiday

This month we celebrated our 3rd Annual Fun and Glamorous Ornament Swap Christmas Extravaganza, and the second year of being held at Kathleen's cozy yuletide dwelling. Grisham's short and quick-paced Skipping Christmas was a suitable selection for the holiday rush. The Kranks forced us frantic readers to compare our lives to their fictional ones, and allowed us to revisit and actualize the sanity we often take for granted. The food was pretty good and so was the company. December's meeting was graced by our newest member Annikka Faye whose perfect little head and tiny matching body captured the hearts of all.

Downstairs all gathered around the house’s second tree and swapped holiday ornaments which included but were not limited to Godiva treats, a sweatered Eeyore, hanging pickles, and a sparkly snow trio. We selected February 23 for our next meeting, and Kelly has chosen Ann Patchett's intriguing Bel Canto for the month’s selection. I’ve placed the order with Longfellow Books and will e-notify when they arrive.

In other F&G news, I hope to see you all on Friday, February 6 at 5:30p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church on Stevens Ave so you can all watch Wally make me an honest woman. Afterwards there’ll be a cocktail-cum-keg party at Wally’s practice space on Warren Ave, less than a mile from the church. Keeley’s it ain’t, but don’t let outdoor appearances worry you—Laurie and I will be putting in a little overtime turning the joint into a fun and festive wûnderhaven for all. Throughout the night there will be a mix of live and recorded music, tasty little morsels, Portland's friendliest barmaiden mixing whatever your poison may be (as long as said poison is wine or Stonecoast brew), and with any luck, a karaoke machine! Please be sure to dress warmly, the church can get a little chilly--and try not to stare at me as I walk down the aisle. (hahaha...but seriously.) St. Joe’s has off-street parking in the school lot; park wherever you can at the “reception hall.” There’s a mechanic next door so it looks like there are more attendants than there are—don’t worry, you won’t block their exit. Also, Wally’s and my dear friend Mark has offered his sober driving skills to any guest who may want/need them. Six more weeks, can’t wait!

In final, another F&G announcement (and I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes here) but DOTTIE IS ALSO ENGAGED!!!! *shriek!*squeal!*scream!* I believe she is busy preparing for a May wedding, and I’m sure we all forward Dottie our best wishes in the next chapter of her life. CONGRATULATIONS DOTTIE!

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