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Buddy Icons


02-03-03 :  Today I updated 3 things, listed as followed.

1) Added a new subsection J2 Inc.  This is a section where me and Jessie will be collaborating on some stuff for you, either one of us comes up with a pic. idea.  she takes it, then I edit it it.  I'd like to say that at least the photography on this picture is amazing.

2) Added the first picture in the new subsection, the peice is hesitantly named "sit down, and take off your tie"

3) Site's Font changed.  I'm aware that some computers might have been conflicting with the previous font. 

That's all for now! Look out in the J2 section you little monkeys!!!


01-31-02 :  I don't want you guys to give up on me!  You have to understand I have TONS of great ideas for art, however I'm waiting until I can afford a Digital camera, or borrow my father's.  I am much more interested in editing real photos now, rather than text alone, please don't give up on me, or the site.


01-14-02 :  I updated some art, I really really like the destroy-create picture I updated... you can check it out HERE if you wish to not venture into the site.  picture credit goes to Jessie...something...from Modesto, currently Florida... thanx for the pic.  I also added an evil carrot :)

-The "me" section will soon be up and running.


01-13-02 :  Well, what can I say other than no more tyrant art.  There will be no more TYRANT art seeing as TYRANT has no vocals, no drums, and will soon turn to shit...  I'll try to update some sections later, I've been working on some more south park people, and the killer carrot is coming along...slowly...but alone nonetheless...well, sorry for the poor additions.  I promise it'll be worth it in the end...for the killer carrot.


01-02-02 :  Just some random updates, some new art up in the TYRANT section


12-19-02 :  Completed "Tyrant" "Names" and "Buddy Icons" sections.  Only Poetry and Me sections left! Updated Links.



12-18-02 :  Site Backbone changed.  Violent art and Miscellaneous have been mixed into one category know as  "Main".  Main will be dark art, as well as other random-ass shit.  Started adding some pics to where they're supposed to be.  New site will be 56k-friendly, with thumbnails rather than full images.  Just click on the small pic to view the full one.



12-17-02 :  New Site Backbone fully updated.  The Art has not yet been transferred, but the backbone to the page is laid out.  Here is a breakdown of the sections:

Violent Art:  More explicit art, anything i feel is inapropriate for children under 13

Tyrant:  I am the designer of new TYRANT merch.  So I have this to show off ideas, and logos

Names: I have photoshopped many peoples names.  If you give me your name, some colors, and a mood I will photoshop yours, simply email me at the link given on the site

Buddy Icons:  I have made many buddy icons for people.  All icons are in .gif form, I will have instructions on the page, as well as an email address to email me about making you a buddy icon  ((animated icons currently not working))

Miscellanious:  Any art that did Not fit under the previous categories.

Poetry:  Sometimes I just have the need to write poetry, whether it's silly, serious, whatever, it'll be on here (accepting outside poetry)

Me: info about me, latest updates in my life...just incase someone cares...

Links:  Take a guess


and I might possibly make a "user art" page, for you guys to send in art to me, and ill publish....that's all!!!



12-16-02 :  Site beginning to take shape, finished tool bars, and I'm starting to make the banners again, any suggestions? email me 

--started working on "violent art" section  (hope to get more in there soon for u sick fucks ;) )

All material presented on this website © Jeff Zumstein (unless otherwise noted)